April 10, 2008

Corey Kohn

We heart Corey Kohn the best Miksang-ish Dharma Brat Photographer ever & Recommend you subscribe to her spacious photo of the week.
An afternoon drive takes us across a web of dirt roads connecting a series of suburban farms. There are blights of mansion housing developments out on these plains now, but in between there are still ramshackle homesteads, fortified with farming equipment and rusted automotive parts. At the intersection of two of these country roads, I hopped out of the car to quickly snap a few photos of this old race car sunken into a front yard. Maybe I was just skittish, but the feeling of the place made me think my sneaking around with a camera might invite a greeting with a shotgun from the front porch. ~ Corey Kohn 4.6.08

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