March 4, 2011

Genius In Action~ March 4th.

“There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good.”

~Edwin Denby

“We could say that meditation doesn’t have a reason or doesn’t have a purpose. In this respect it’s unlike almost all other things we do except perhaps making music and dancing. When we make music we don’t do it in order to reach a certain point, such as the end of the composition. If that were the purpose of music then obviously the fastest players would be the best. Also, when we are dancing we are not aiming to arrive at a particular place on the floor as in a journey. When we dance, the journey itself is the point, as when we play music the playing itself is the point. And exactly the same thing is true in meditation. Meditation is the discovery that the point of life is always arrived at in the immediate moment.” ~Alan Watts

Meditation is being 100% right here-right now… In whatever you are doing.

“When accomplished artists are working on their artistic creations, they are completely filled with what they are doing. At that level, a person doesn’t have any other mind than being an artist, one hundred percent. Complete concentration is involved when somebody is executing a work of art. That is the mark of a master.” ~from Ocean of Dharma by Chogyam Trungpa edited by Carolyn Rose Gimian

These two are some accomplished meditators/artists… Masters at work. This video is genius!

Elephant 365 is an example of Elephant Journal’s commitment to the Mindful Life. Everyday we will offer a new reading regarding meditation practice and the spiritual path, all infused with a fresh perspective on traditional spirituality. If you would like to follow Elephant 365 on FaceBook click here and become a fan of Elephant Meditation by clicking the “Like” tab at the top of the page.

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