July 6, 2012

How to be Part of Your Own Family Life. ~ Gitte Lindgaard

Good, good, bad.

In my family we try to get together to eat dinner every day.

With teenagers, toddlers and odd working hours it’s not always easy. We have decided that it’s more important to eat together then to eat at a certain time each day.

One of the reasons why this is so important to us is that we have this little thing.

Eight to 10 years ago we started to play this game while eating. We have named it “Good, good, bad.” We take turns and tell the two best things we’ve experienced that day and the worst.

I love this insight in my family member’s everyday life.

I love to see my teenage daughter be aware of what good thing has happen to her. How she sometimes appreciate even the most simple things, like how the sun was shining when she biked the few miles home from school.

I love when my husband and children include me in one of their good experiences and if it happens to be in the worse, I appreciate this opportunity for them to be honest and get it out in the open.

I love to let them know what was most important to me that day. What made me happy and what was a challenge. Sometimes we talk a lot about the things we experienced and sometimes we just list it up.

Both are fine.

It’s optional to share your “good, good, bad” but I can count on one hand how many times a family member had opted out. I really recommend you to try it with your family.

When you’ve tried it a couple of times, you will want your family to do this every day.

[All photos courtesy of author.]

Gitte Lindgaard lives in Denmark with her husband and two daughters. She has a degree in Nutrition and Health and specializes in empowering people to be aware and take responsibility for healthy living. Gitte practices yoga and after recovering from whiplash, she began teaching yoga to people with disabilities. Gitte believes in doing something every day that her future self will be proud of. Follow her on Twitter here.


Editor: Elysha Anderson


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