December 22, 2012

El Toro. {Poem} ~ Madeline New

Source: fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net via Maite on Pinterest

This stunning day

Ours to savor
Do yourself a favor
Come running
Head on
No looking back
Keep on track
Ripe in this moment
Ready to attack
Wipe the tears
Rising from years
Of lying shame
Fearless sight
Free from suffering
Burn that mother down
Kill the moonlight
Engage your mind
In mindlessness
Or cage your soul
In blindness
You have all it takes
Just be


Madeline New is  just a half-written song, a plotless play, a hidden poem dying to break ground and harness the power of these rich, bloody roots and grow a wild, enchanted garden that’s long been neglected. God help me…it’s high time this Blackbird learns to fly. She’s an addict who recovered and fell once more while trying to navigate a sinking ship of a family. She is ready to recover, awaken and embrace her calling as she stands here shivering in her dime store boots. She became a mother unexpectedly at age 18 to her first daughter who is now 21. She chose to put her dreams on hold, working in the corporate world primarily while child rearing. She has since started all over, and is now a newly single mom of two more beautiful daughters, ages four & five. She is determined this time around to try and make some dreams real and take better care of herself, along with her girls. She’s still ever hopeful and has a deep desire to give something to the world. She’s an Atlanta, Georgia native, and you can also find her on Twitter “Blackbyrd.”


Editor: Jennifer Townsend

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