December 17, 2012

Guess what this is?

Save the People.


“Yeah there is just no way man is having any effect on the climate.” ~ a top Reddit comment.


“What’s most changing the climate can’t be seen. More developed countries do a better job of filtering out particulate matter and other emissions, but do little about CO2 or methane.”


“The pollution in China definitely kills lots of people through cancer and lung diseases.

However, the effect other countries have on a global and long-term scale is just as terrible or even worse.

Even if you don’t see a brown cloud of SMOG in front of your window every day: Per capita the US pollutes the planet much more than China does (especially considering that a lot of products for the American market are produced by China… so in reality that’s the pollution of Americans, too).”

And, and:

“Also, we should get rid of regulations and let the free market handle things.”

“The invisible hand will lead to sustainable developement, green technologies, higher wages for workers, and cheaper prices for everyone!”


“The funny part of all this, is the fact that we act as if the pollution cannot travel. Similar to smoking and non smoking sections in a restaurant. There have been studies showing that china’s air pollution reaches far beyond itself http://www.canada.com/mobile/iphone/story.html?id=ac8dcbce-3be3-4ef6-88e5-0f00384d9aeb


“Before and After photograph of my air mask filter. I live in Beijing, China. This was over the course of several months of uses several times per week.”

“The locals call it ‘fog.’

The worst days are when it’s actually supposed to be sunny, but everything’s dark and smoggy. Then you look up towards the sky and see the moon. Then you realize it isn’t the moon. It’s the sun behind a giant dome of pollution.”

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