February 13, 2013

The Year of the Water Snake: A Time of Healing & Rebirth.


Awaken, the spirit of the great water snake, and the spiritual journey it brings.

The primeval serpent awakens a burning pain

It extends through the fibers,

the core of the vessel.


It weaves its talons deep.

It traverses to the left and right

Its serrated tail clutches the shadows of the soul.


It’s the guardian of unfertilized eggs.

Stored lineage of years and lives

The serpent of old is no longer welcomed.


There’s a battle to slay the demon.

It’s an illusion that ends an oscillation of child-adult.

Anxiety and fear are mist-like droplets.


The stillness of the moment:

clarity and courage;

a portal to the senses.


Insights like the rings of a tree spanning out,

beyond this space, time and into the universe…

yet grounded.


It’s a dimensionless state.

Agni and prana enter the mouth of the dragon.

scorching the self-inflicted memories


It’s cyclical, like the seasons.

A nonlinear journey of pruning the decay,

facing death, shedding of a skin and awaiting rebirth.



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Assistant Ed: T. Lemieux

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