March 15, 2013

3 Tips to Spring Your Way into Health. ~ Tova Payne


The spring season is the perfect time to energize your body, mind and spirit by helping your body detoxify.

When you make changes on the physical level, you start to feel clearer in your mind and spirit.

What three things can you do today to start feeling better?

1. Add fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are the most nutrient full foods on the planet. This means for the quantity of food you eat, you get the highest content of valuable vitamins and minerals to feed your cells. One of the best ways to get your greens in is with a green smoothie. It’s fast and simple with this easy recipe:

2 cups of water

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

1 banana

A big handful of greens (about 2 cups loosely packed deep dark greens, like spinach)

Place all the contents in a blender and enjoy a drink that delivers spark and vitality!

2. Take out the sugar!

For the next week, decide to go sugar-free. It is actually easier to omit sugar altogether than to try to moderate it. The moment you eat sugar, it makes your blood glucose levels soar which leads to more cravings for sugar. It is better to simply omit it altogether and any time you crave something sweet go for a fruit instead. Fruit is nutrient dense, full of vitamins and minerals and will give you the natural sweetness you crave while you detoxify from the unhealthy sugars that actually deplete your body from energy.

3. Go outside and enjoy the spring air.

Being outside and getting active is imperative to your physical, mental and emotional health. Exercise is not only healthy for your body, but it also helps to clear your mind. If you feel overwhelmed with work, going outside, taking a break and getting some physical activity is the best way to clear your mind.

Exercise has been proven to strengthen your thinking abilities and brain power. Moreover, exercise helps enhance your feelings of self-efficacy—meaning you feel empowered in your ability to take action and meet your goals. When you embark upon meeting your goals on a physical level, it pours into other areas of your life leading to the cascade effect of awesome—where one positive action leads to more positive actions in your life, leading to an empowered, healthy and happier life.


Tova Payne is an Empowerment Coach Extraordinaire. She is an expert in all elements of health—from nutrition to exercise, to yoga and meditation. She writes, speaks and coaches others to live their best lives through living healthy lives in body, mind and spirit. This year she will be releasing a ground-breaking book on nutrition that makes the mind-body-spirit connection. For more on health, wellness, and empowered living, visit Tova at www.tovapayne.com.
She will be releasing her ground-breaking and inspiring book on empowered, healthy  and happy living later this year. For updates and her free newsletter visit her online.



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Ed. Evan Livesay
Ed: Brianna Bemel
Source: fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net via Dani on PinterestSource: realhealthyrecipes.com via Alexis on Pinterest

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