April 25, 2013

10 Words that should be Added to the Dictionary.

I love making up words.

There’s a pure pleasure that comes from having some newish sounding syllables simply roll off your tongue—and it’s even better when you hear your fun words roll out from someone else!

I make up vocabulary all the time, and I also love creating new ways to use existing words. Here’s a list of words that I can’t believe are not already in the dictionary—and you have my permission to petition Merriam-Webster. Enjoy!

1. Verbology. I thought I made this one up years ago, but it is in the online Urban Dictionary, which explains it as “when one is describing words not ‘typically’ used when in a conversation. Basically, ‘verbology’ is a choice of words that might be made up (or on Urban Dictionary).” Yes, it actually says this—and I thought it was the perfect word to begin this blog with. (It also uses the example, “His verbology was whack.”)

2. Genuinity. I’m throwing Waylon a bone here.

3. Sugar.  “Sugar” in exchange for the already well-adored word “shit.” My midwife used to say this when her computer was being difficult, thus I’m stealing it directly from her. Another usage: “Your breath smells like sugar!’ (Although, here, some explanation might be required.)

4. Dogs. Again, a word that’s already accepted in our daily language, I’m aware. However, this definition of “dogs” would be more like, “an exclamation used when in shock, surprise, or disbelief.” Example: you find out your co-worker’s breath constantly smells like sugar because they have a well-hidden Funyuns addiction. You say, “dogs!”

5. “ish” as a suffix. Have fun with this one. Simply add “ish” to the end of nearly any word, and it becomes an entirely original flavor. Some of my personal favorites are, but not limited to, “unusualish,” “stinkish,” “sugarish;” you get the idea.

6. Meteor. I just thought of this one. (How great is that?!) Clearly, this would be defined as, “something stellar, out of this world, or just plain fly.” I’m also seeing meteorish in my near future…

7. Betty White. This is more of a phrase. If a person, object or situation is referred to as a “Betty White,” then it’s one of several possible definitions, as follows. “An individual who doesn’t act his or her age, but rather seems timelessly hilarious.” Another option is, “geriatric by definition, yet unexpectedly modern.” You’ll particularly hear this phrase at hip thrift stores or, if you’re lucky, at family get-togethers.

8. “Mc” as a prefix. In this case, “Mc” does not refer to something that’s Irishish (like that?!) or Scottish, instead, it’s actually making fun of McDonald’s. I guess, if I over-analyze myself, I take my disgust for our fast-food nation and make it silly and interesting by adding this prefix. Using “Mc” is especially appropriate with instances of sloppy or gross appearance. Example: “Dogs! Look at that Mc-line over there at the Burger King’s Drive-thru!”

9. Crazytown. I’m giving you one good example here of how you can add “town” to almost anything and have it work wonders for you. Trust me. Try it. (Also, I think you can figure out on your own how you would define and use crazytown.)

10. Usurper. Okay, this word is nowhere near new. However, I’m sadly disappointed at its lack of regular usage. Let’s bring back the term “usurper,” and, while we’re at it, possibly the words “snarky,” “baroque,” and “livid.” Thanks.

So get out there, and have a blast making up—and then using—original words and phrases; you know, ones with a lot of genuinity. You have my express authorization to use these.

Honestly, when I grow up, I want to be a meteor Betty White—and you have to start somewhere!

Sugar, I just looked at the time. Gotta run!


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Ed: Kate Bartolotta

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