April 23, 2013

Post Boston Bomb Lessons. ~ Olga F’gold

Last week felt like living in a season of 24. While technically, the events occurred over a series of five days, it still feels like one terribly, long day.

Luckily, I find myself safe, my loved ones safe. All the people I know are safe. I feel very fortunate that while many people I care had near misses, they are safe.

However, in Boston there is such a heavy energy. For the first time, I understand what it means to have air so thick you can slice it with a knife. All conversations eventually spiral into… “Where were you and what were you doing?”

While last week seemed like somewhat of a complete blur, this week already seems harder. The thickness hasn’t lifted or moved an inch.

Boston is a strong city; it’s spirit—tough.

As memorial services ring in ears of people we knew, it only saddens our hearts further. Yogis are gathering to offer free yoga and holding meditation circles to facilitate the healing. Facebook memes exploding with Boston Strong, Believe in Boston, Keep Wicked Calm & Carry On. Each one symbolizing how Bostonians feel about themselves. One week out and $1 million has already been raised for people affected by the bombings. Nothing made us feel stronger and safer than the multi-town shutdown to catch the suspect. The strength of this city and its history will carry us through.

As I sat on the T today, I cried for the first time since the unspeakable events of Monday. In truth, I wasn’t crying for Boston, for I know we will heal. I wasn’t crying because of the sadness or heavy energy all around me.

I was crying because my heart breaks that there are people who live in a world where this energy seems endless.

Where part of a mother’s daily flow is wondering how to avoid the parts of a city where daily strikes occur.

Where normal is considered sleeping in a shelter with your family when the city sirens go off.

All I could think was, the next time I set an intention in yoga, it’s going to be for all the people on Earth whose hearts are heavy and there isn’t a hope of the thickness lifting.

So today, I am going to send all those near and far positive energy, prayers, and white light to lift the heaviness in their hearts.

I hope you join me.


Olga F’gold is part traveling vagabond Goddess and part tea sipping, book reading, garden growing stay at home Duchess.  She keeps her soul smiling with her dedicated yoga practice, running away to the wilderness in her free time, and practicing gratitude. She loves finding things to climb, people to hug, and harnessing her inner domesticated side. You can follow her  inspirational tidbits at awwsnapnews.blogspot.com.

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Ed: Brianna Bemel
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