August 23, 2013

Gandhian Activist Sunderlal Bahuguna at Navdanya. ~ Carrie Stiles

Create a New World: The Creative Head, Compassionate Heart & Constructive Hand.

“Today our heart is very small, especially the young people… The heart of one is enclosed. You know the formula of love (is) whomsoever you love you will get love in return. So why don’t you inspire for more love from many people. Love not only from human beings, but other beings. Love from nature, love from trees, love from rivers and mountains. Develop your compassionate heart.”

~ Bahuguna

“The tongue creates many problems. When you are talking it will say bad things to others…it requires many things like taste. The first thing we have to do is to control this tongue.” ~ Bahuguna

 Control Your Tongue.

Displacement vs The Spirit of Freedom in the Hills.

How blessed we were to study with the great Gandhian activist Sunderlal Bahuguna at Navdanya Earth University in North India. Sunderlal Bahuguna was awarded India’s second highest civilian honor and the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize (The Right Livelihood Award) for his tremendous work leading the Chipko Movement and the Anti-Tehri Dam movement against large dams, mining and deforestation, across the country. Bahuguna Ji fasted for 70 days after which Prime Minister Indira Gandhi granted his request to stop the felling of the trees in the High Himalaya.

“We in Himalaya are facing a crisis of survival due to the suicidal activities being carried out in the name of development… The monstrous Tehri dam is a symbol of this… There is need for a new and long-term policy to protect the dying Himalaya. I do not want to see the death of the most sacred river of the world—the Ganga— for short-term economic gains.”

~ Sunderlal Bahuguna

“I treasure Awards of Ridicule, Neglect, Isolation and Insult, which every social activist is proud of.”

~ S. B.

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Assistant Ed: Dana Gornall/Ed: Bryonie Wise

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Carrie Stiles