November 19, 2013

So You Think You Can Yoga? Tutorials with George Anthony. ~ Carrie Stiles {Mayurasana}


The name makes it sound easy, but this is one of the most intense Yoga poses for almost anybody! If you’ve never tried it, give plank a go with reversed fingers first (externally rotate shoulders), and see how that feels for a few breaths. If you’re wrist can comfortably pass your weight to the ground then try easing into Peacock with these techniques.


George is a freelance Yoga instructor that uses succinct descriptions and perfect timing and pace to explore the practices of Yoga. His approach is clear and sincere. George’s intentions is to help his students discover their own realizations. He encourages hsi students to explore their relationship to their bodies, the world and connect to source.You can learn more about his teaching and events at www.YogaLifeandGeorge.co


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Editor: Dana Gornall

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Carrie Stiles