May 11, 2014

The Mom Song: Inspired by Naughty Children Everywhere. ~ Brenna Fischer {Video}


I don’t have children yet, but I do teach English to 10 two-year-old Japanese kids everyday.

I cannot imagine what it is to be a parent but I can, at least, sympathize with how difficult it can be to teach children anything they do not see as a priority.

For two-year-olds, of any nationality, top priorities are; running in circles as fast as they can, knocking things off the teacher’s desk and taking toys from their friends.

The number of times I have to repeat myself each day, for each kid, was enough to keep me home for two days last week with strep throat!

In honor of moms everywhere here is a video that may help to save your vocal chords and your sanity.

On behalf of naughty children everywhere, thank you and Happy Mother’s Day.


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Editor: Renée Picard

Photo Credit: Google

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Brenna Fischer