July 14, 2014

Drop the Karma & Live the Dharma. ~ Sarvasmarana Ma Nithya


Sometimes life feels like a dream on repeat; the scenarios and people change, but the lessons are the same. It’s as if we are stuck in a loop somewhere.

If life has ever felt like Groundhog day then that means we are living a life based on karma. Living with karma is like living as Phil Connors in Groundhog Day 24/7. Most of us are living in karmic bondages without even realizing it. When we don’t understand what karma is and how it works, we live a life of default which eventually leads to a lot of pain and suffering.

We all want to evolve and have the best life; but karma prevents us from being successful in branching out, trying new things and implementing new ways of living. The only way to break out of the karmic cycle is to learn what it is and how to complete it.

Karma is a collection of unfulfilled experiences that remain in us and constantly pull us to fulfill them. Anything that is done with intense awareness will leave our system once and for all, and it will liberate us. Any experience that we did not go through completely, fully conscious and was given our full attention and energy will remain inside us—this is karma.

Any karma that remains unfulfilled inside us will not let us rest. It will continue to try its best to fulfill itself through us. It will drive us to do the same activity over and over again so that is can be fulfilled. Any desire or experience which has not become ‘complete’ in our system, will remain in us as karma and drive us again and again to go through the same experience until it’s fulfilled and completed.

If we just look into our life it will explain why we keep attracting the same relationships, jobs and situations over and over again. It will be different partners, places of employment or atmosphere but the context of the situation will be the same, unfulfilled karma.

Karma keeps us in bondage to the past, recreating itself in the present and destroying our future.

Incompletion (karma) is the dirt and residue of past memories, incidents and situations that reside inside us, restricting our cognition of ourselves and our life in the present moment. Incompletions are karma. We carry them from the previous life and accumulate more in the current life.

There are three types of karma.

The first is called sanchita karma and that is the karma from our past lives; from the moment we first started taking a body. This karma gets transferred from one life to the next when we assume another body after death. Sanchita karma is the bank balance that we carry over into the next life . This type of karma has been with us since the moment we started taking bodies. We may have had millions of bodies and whatever thoughts, words or actions, and all the unfulfilled experiences we have ever had, become our engrams or engraved memories (karma.) The bank balance that we carry is not like a savings but it is a debt in which we will have to pay back the loan.

The next type of karma is the prarabdha karma and it is a small part of the sanchita bank balance that we use to create our present body. We decide to exhaust and enjoy all those karmas we brought with us through that body. So for instance each of us has a specific mission to fulfill in this life stemming from the prarabdha karma, it could be to achieve wealth, having fulfilling relationships or obtain the ultimate which is enlightenment.

The third type of karma is the worst kind to have. It is called the agamya karma. It starts collecting the moment we come down to planet earth in this current life we have taken. It consists of fresh thoughts, words and actions. We accumulate it like lint on an old sweater.

All beings have to exhaust their prarabdha karma in this current life before dying. So for example if we have 1000 points in our sanchita bank balance and we decide to use 10 points as our prarabdha karma in this life, it has to be exhausted before death. However, what happens is after living this current life we start accumulating additional karma or agamya by watching others and start collecting karma based their desires.

It is called “borrowed desires.”

These are the desires we have borrowed from others which are not ours to begin with. For example, lets say our prarabdha karma is programmed to be a philanthropist and over the course of time we start getting influenced from our friends and society that achieving wealth is the only way to obtain happiness, we start chasing those desires and accumulating agamya karma. Or we start entertaining jealousy and comparison against others, we will acquire karma based on these thoughts. If we start talking ill about others we accumulate karma based on words.

Karma needs to be completed.

If we are not able to exhaust karma as we accrue it in this lifetime then it gets added to the sanchita bank balance and we obtain more and more.

There are many ways and techniques to absolve our prarabdha and agamya karma however, we cannot do anything directly about our sanchita karma. The only way it can get burnt is through Guru Kripa (Guru’s Grace.) Prarabdha karma has to be fulfilled in our current life but we have to know exactly what it is so we don’t go on accumulating more or go down the entirely wrong path. Having a guru is also helpful in this area because they can tell you exactly what it is that you need to fulfill.

For the agamya karma we can work directly on ourselves. It requires a strong intention, willingness and effort. We can do this with the Swapoornatva Kriya Process also know as The Completion Process. This process is so powerful that if done intensely over long period of time it can clear very deep, unconscious patterns that are lying dormant in our being that we were unable to access through other methods.

This process can be done anytime of the day whenever an intense emotion or trigger comes up or it can be done once a day before bed (highly recommended.) The advantage of doing every night before bed is it will clear out all the days residue and not add any more layers to the patterns. You will have a deep sleep and wake up refreshed without any emotional hangovers.

The moment we complete with the incompletions, the karma leaves us and we start to live the life of dharma. The completion process transforms our karma into dharma. Dharma is the life we are meant to live.

Sva-Poornatva Kriya Process by Paramahamsa Nithyananda 

1. Identify what is it that has been a repetitive pattern that you have within you which makes you experience low energy again and again and which keeps on repeating itself in your life. Also identify other additional conflicts that you are carrying which make you experience low energy in your life.

2 . If you do not remember repetitive experiences in your life where the same conflict has happened again and again. What is it that makes you experience low energy and low emotions in your life? For example, you could have the same struggle with you boss no matter many times you change jobs. Same goes for relationships, you may experience the same pattern in all of your relationships. Identify areas in your life where you feel powerless and work with these.

Make a conscious resolution with integrity, authenticity and responsibility and make this declaration— ‘Now, I am complete in life.’ Declare to yourself—‘I am now in poornatva. I am committing to being complete and causing completion for myself and for life. I am enriching myself and life with completion.’

Then go to a place where you have a mirror. Please understand that the person in the mirror is the incomplete half of you. Often that incomplete half of you is a small child—only a few days/months/years old. So when you complete with the ‘little you’ in the mirror, you restore completion to the person in the mirror and inside you as well. This is what you should do:

Sit in a comfortable position facing the mirror.

  • Connect with the person in the mirror.
  • Look directly into the eyes of the person in the mirror.
  •  See the one, two, three, four or the 10 year old (whatever age you remember) in the mirror which is the incomplete half of you.
  • Go back to earliest memories of your life and relive incidents/situations in your life where you have experienced low level energy emotions such as anger, guilt, frustration and agitation with yourself (incompletion in some form) from those incidents/situations.
  • Now take responsibility for liberating yourself from this incompletion you are carrying within you which you have kept alive all this time.
  • Re-live those incidents/situations completely. Then, talk aloud with the person in the mirror till you experience completion happening both for you and for the person in the mirror.

Note: Repeat re-living the incidents/situations and continue talking again and again till you experience being free of the low level emotions inside you.

Once you have experienced completion with incomplete part of you in the mirror—

  • You will feel light.
  • You will feel the absence of something, being relieved of some big burden.
  • Until this happens, continue digging out.
  • Keep finishing it off. Getting it out of you, expose it totally.

Once you feel that there is an absence of heaviness, to a certain extent svapoornatva is done. Continue doing this till you experience completely being out of its grip, till you are completely out of pain or any other heaviness that exists within.




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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Flickr/Consumerfriendly

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