July 4, 2014

What is it About Horoscopes that Makes them So Popular?

Photo: Hitesh Chhabra via Pixoto

We all want to know how at least part of our future will unfold.

How will our lives change? Will our current relationship last? Will we get the dream job we applied for?

These are examples of questions that we search for answers. We want an answer.

No wait, we need an answer.

Well, we think we do.

Sometimes we think that until the questions are answered we won’t have peace. But that’s misguided, because once we answer those questions, other questions manifest.

Nevertheless, reading our horoscopes has benefits.

They can fill us with wonder.

They remind us of the big questions such as, “How are we connected to the universe?” and  “What is our destiny?”

Anyone who reads their stars will tell you that sometimes they’re extremely accurate and at other times they’re not. Some astrologers also appear to be more advanced at their interpretation of how the movement of the planets relates to us humans.

It’s this inconsistency which the skeptics fall on to debunk the authenticity of this ancient art. The materialist bigots and the Atheist priests think people are stupid to believe in Astrology.

As an example, Richard Dawkins has arrogantly and ignorantly claimed to have discredited that the sky relates to human life on planet earth. There is a video where he walks up to random people and reads the horoscopes he has taken from a newspaper. Dawkins embarrassingly claims his success because they ineffectively related to the response of the participant.

What he fails to do is actually understand the true definition of reading the stars. As a materialist—which is a metaphysical and unproven interpretation of scientific endeavor—he has effectively debunked his own misconceptions.

Clap clap, Dawkins. Someone should probably tell him that as a scientist he should at least understand the theory that he is examining.

Astrology is simply defined as how astronomical mathematics correlates with humanity’s character and behavior.

The term literally means “knowledge of the stars.” It is not meant to be deterministic, but influential; free will and other factors still bear their weight. It acts as an interpretive guide as to the energy in our lives and what challenges and opportunities we have in every given moment.

It does this through the art of symbolism. Each planet and its mathematical position represents information. This information is meaningful to the experience we have as humans because the macrocosm mirrors the microcosm. They’re interrelated.

For example, a planet in retrograde symbolizes a backwards movement. This is because the planet is moving backwards in relation to our perspective.

Each planet also has its symbolic meaning, such as Mercury reflecting logic and communication.

I’m not a expert astrologist, so please forgive this layman account, but if Mercury is in retrograde, then it loosely symbolizes how our communication is being challenged in a past tense.

We can draw on the symbolic meaning of animals to elaborate on how symbolism works.

A dragonfly, for example, is understood by many independent cultures to symbolize transformation and change. This is because they begin their lives as a nymph in the water—a symbol of the unconscious—and then grow their wings to transform into a flying creature. So as an animal totem, they represent the transformation that needs to occur for a person to reach their full potential.

They can also move in all six directions in an eloquent and controlled manner. They can fly backwards like a hummingbird and hover like a chopper. This characteristic represents power, agility and composure—something that comes with age. So, the dragonfly can also be taken to represent maturity.

This is how the symbolism of the stars works.

The sun, moon and planets each have information that they inherently convey. This information has been investigated for millennium by our ancient ancestors and has been developed over the course of our history.

In this light, there is obviously room for misunderstanding and misconception, let alone misinterpretation by those who currently study and articulate it.

Not only is Astrology the language of the stars— or, put another way, a mathematical and symbolic picture of information relating to human individuals and societies in any given moment in our history—it’s also considered as a science because the planets literally alter our minds and bodies.

This is because we’re physically made of energy.

Let’s start with gravity. We know that the moon is so gravitationally powerful that it influences the tides of earth. In the space-time continuum, where gravity is a major player, it’s not too unrealistic to believe that the Sun and planets also have a subtle, but real influence on planet Earth.

But it’s not just gravity —electromagnetic energy is also a major player of influence.

For example, we know that if a powerful enough solar flare—which blasts radiation across the spectrum of electromagnetism—was to hit our planet directly, our electricity grids and satellites would be at risk of complete malfunction.

So if we’re electromagnetically dancing with the sun, it’s not a long bow to draw to think that the other planets may have electromagnetic influence on our planet and therefore us as well.

And that’s not even considering life force or chi.

Even though orthodox science continues to maintain that the subtle energies are a pseudo-science, more evidence is accumulating that suggests that this primary energy actually exists. It’s still a developing scientific field of inquiry. Who knows, it may even be operational through the other two fundamental forces of strong and weak nuclear energies.

Regardless of the exact mechanisms that potentially facilitate the stars having a literal influence on us in an energetic and physical way, there’s plenty of probable scientific explanations as to how they would do so.

Dogmatic scientists should recognize this before so easily discounting such ancient wisdom.

And even if there is no literal influence on us, as stated earlier, it is the meaning behind the symbolic reflection of our universe which is important anyway.

There is also so much more to Astrology which makes it so complex.

For example, there is more to the symbolism of the stars than just our Sun sign. Each individual also has a Moon sign, Mars sign, Venus sign etc. All these layers of information combine to reflect our astrological connection.

In addition, we have numerological symbolism to incorporate into our interpretation of energetic influences.

Numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers. It is also mathematical in the sense that it uses formulas to represent vibrational meaning about our personality and influential energies. We are a collection of frequencies—much like our own unique orchestra.

So when we are attempting to interpret what is at influential play in our lives, we have a very complex series of systems to draw upon. That’s why it is always notoriously difficult to be completely accurate in guiding our understanding of our energetic influences.

Symbols are also everywhere in our lives—not just astrologically and numerologically—but experientially. The interconnected symbols of our subjective and objective worlds are inherently alive with personal information and can enlighten our daily experience.

Ultimately, those who belittle others who take an interest in these ancient arts have a simple-minded perspective on the subjects. They’ve been conditioned by the materialistic rhetoric so don’t take offense to their attacks—they just don’t know any better.

This is also because there are many charlatans who have fraudulently manipulated the good will of people who are emotionally and intellectually vulnerable. Even though this is no justification to disregard the legitimacy of ancient wisdom, it has been used as a weapon in the attack on symbolism.

Generally, people are interested in these areas because we yearn to know ourselves and our future.

Unfortunately, sometimes not knowing can translate into anxiety. Our obsession with finding the answers can even escalate into extreme emotional dysfunction and self-abuse.

Fortunately, we can find ongoing peace in other ways. See “8 Signs of Emotional Dysfunction that Disturb Inner Peace” and “Have We Achieved Real Success?” for practical ways to establish and maintain our contentment.

In any case, we all have an innate desire to connect with the esoteric and unknown. We have some amazing symbolic tools to play with to expand our heart, mind and energy.

Yet just like anything, we can be imbalanced with how we operationalize these agents in our lives, so we shouldn’t put too much emphasis on them influencing our thoughts, feelings and decisions.

We have free will, after all.



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Editor: Emily Bartran

Photo: Hitesh Chhabra via Pixoto

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