November 19, 2014

Occupational Outlook for the Poet, Resurrected. {Poem}


To the tritely proclaimed

Chasing the doldrums
Of day-jobs
With the effervescence
Of daydreams;

To the seeker of
The flickering flame,

That is deep within the insight;
Looking through the
Pragmatic lens, still intact,
With perspective that is
Not yet disenchanted;

To soother of the burn of work,
Or stirrer of current, that is still,

On the cool drift
To anticipation,
In a pool of eastern
Thought and fashion,

Dipping, often, of the quill–

Upon horizon, fixing gaze, rapt in prospect: afloat or ablaze.

Westward and onward,
I shall go with the Hope;
And still I find truth,
In the bend of the scope.



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Author: Rochelle Loren Hingley

Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Wiki Commons 

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