February 11, 2015

Look at this Before You Give a Gift of Love. {Video}

Pirjo-Leena Bauer

“I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.” ~ Pablo Neruda


Can’t you feel the love in the air?

Shelves filled with pink packaged chocolate-shaped hearts. Bouquets of roses ready to be bought, and given to our loved ones.

I often think our loving extends beyond our connection with our sweetheart, especially when we buy cheap, but sweet trinkets of affection. Think plastic hearts. Think of all that pink packaging.

Think of all the pollution generated from making gifts of love.

Yep, I sound like such a naysayer about love on Valentine’s Day, but I’m not.

I love celebrating love with gifts, and then I saw this:


Got perspective, right?

NASA generated this video of aerosol emission and transport from September 1, 2006 to April 10, 2007. According to Carol Rasmussen’s article on NASA’s Global Climate Change website, pollution isn’t just pollution, it is causing changes in the weather patterns.

Sure that cute little pink heart-shaped trinket looks like the perfect gift for sharing love, but maybe it’s not.

Let’s find a way to make this Love Day a little more Eco-groovy. Let’s think globally while looking for a bit of love to share on Valentine’s Day (and any day).

Not to mention that the sweetest gifts come from the heart, so why not pen a poem (or share one of poet Pablo Neruda’s poems).

Neruda poetry


Author: Jes Wright

Editor: Renee Picard

Images: Pirjo-Leena Bauer/Pixoto



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