March 18, 2015

Love to Go. {Poem}

love to go

It all leaks out

over tea light candles
in an orange hammock
red triangle pillows
so deliriously tired
the thoughts exit my mouth
before my brain
I’m disappointed
when anything
isn’t love
I say
the crickets stop singing
the world waits
I want fireworks
that just keep burning hot
day and night
I want a love that won’t leave me alone
in the dewy morning
the hot heat of the afternoon
the night where the roosters crow
the moon is up
get up!
get up!
get up!
I want a love where before we run our hands upon our bodies
in the stillness of the night
our lips touch
for kissing is
the handshake of our souls
comfort has a place
but not a big enough place
to stay here with me
for this heart is big
and red and beating
she’s a monstrosity
for those with an unavailable heart
she demands fresh air
she talks too much
she’s not tolerant of romanticism
unless there’s realism
she’s kissed fools on beaches
under fool moons
she’s shared moment with brown eyed strangers
pura vida
pura vida
lovers around every corner
lusting for moments
transient and deep and fast
amor para llevar:
love to go.


Author: Janne Robinson 

Editor: Caroline Beaton

Photo: Author’s own 

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