April 10, 2015

A Simple Thing to Make Any Day. {Poem}


alix tree photo

Please, go outside.

If you don’t do anything else at all today
If your bed sheets pull you back under their warm fibres
If the coffee isn’t strong enough to lift you
If your eyelids are heavy and uninspired
If all of your inner doors feel shut and locked up tight,
Open just one.

I promise you,
That when the daylight creeps in to steal away the precious night
It will wash away the dreams and sleep and stagnation
The fresh air will greet your nostrils
Inspiring life into your lungs
Connecting your rhythm to the rhythm of the winds.

I promise you,
That when the soles of your feet kiss the sweet earth
She will welcome you, and cradle you, and hold you up.
Bring your heaviness, your tired feet, your sadness,
And allow the world to heal you just by being.
You being there, engulfed in whirling happenings
Will be enough.
There will be others, too
Whose greatest efforts brought them just past
the threshold of their own doors.

Please, go outside.
Let the glow of the sun illuminate your skin, casting light into the darkest corners.
Allow yourself to embrace even the dampest, darkest days.
Let them creep into your bones
emulsifying worries and doubts and fears
until they flow together and dissolve completely.

Please, go outside.
If you don’t do anything else at all today,
Delight in this tiny victory
of joining the living, of feeling the earth, of being part.
If you can muster no more than this today
I promise you, it will be enough.







Get Outside to Go Inside: Why Being Outdoors is More Important Than Doing Yoga Poses.


Author: Alix Koloff

Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: via the author


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