April 30, 2015

If Not Now…When?

today is yours

We all have that thing we want to do.

That place we want to go, the book we want to write, that dream job we want to create or that person who we’d like to tell we love.

We all have our dreams, goals and visions of the future.

We all have a picture in our mind of how it may look, but more importantly, of how it will feel.

We know what we want, and we know we want it bad. But now just isn’t the perfect time. We’ll do it eventually, for sure. We’ll even do it soon, but not right now.

We tell ourselves when life gets a little less busy.  We tell ourselves with just a bit more money, when we lose 10 pounds, or at the beginning of next month when we have our sh*t together, and then the time will be right.

The thing is…we never have our sh*t together, there will always be more things to do and the timing is never right.

We create these barriers, we justify with excuses and we marry our stories about why we can’t have what we want.

We all know that we aren’t going to physically be here forever, yet many of us live our lives with a sense of there’s always tomorrow. We may live in a state of procrastination or reside in a state waiting. Whether we’re stalling a certain experience, waiting for this or that to happen or expecting that feeling of “I have arrived” to knock on the doorstep of our soul.

Perhaps we’re waiting for a sign from this universe; a feather on the ground or a message in the sky. But in actuality the awareness of knowing what we want to do and what needs to be done is the sign! This is it! The time is now! There is no more time to waste anchoring ourselves to the past or projecting ourselves into the future.

Sweet human, you have arrived.

This is it, this is life. It’s happening right here, right now. It’s unfolding right before our eyes with each and every breath.

The only thing we can know for sure is that we don’t know. We know that we can’t be absolutely sure of what tomorrow will hold. Yes, we may have intentions for the coming days and weeks. We may have plans, appointments, travel or work. But we really can’t know for sure what is yet to unfold. And our mothers, brothers, friends and gurus don’t know either.

Yes, it’s great to have goals and dreams for the future. Yes, it’s vital to live mindfully and be conscious of what we are creating.

But if we’re always living in a place that doesn’t exist, whether it be yesterday, tomorrow, five years away or 30…are we really living?

All those things we want to say and share, the world needs to receive them equally as much as we want to offer them. All the things we want to do, the places we want to see and experiences we want to have—the time is now.

All the things we want to say to a certain someone, whether it is an I love you or an I’m sorry that has been put off for far too long, the time is now.

All the words we want to write, the pictures we want to paint or the dances we want to dance, the time is now.

Our minds tend to think in such a linear, rational and logical way. Often times the little voice of fear pipes up and reminds us “what if so and so happens” or “what if so and so doesn’t.”

Let’s work with fear, not against it. Instead of trying to banish fear, welcome it and adopt it as your new best friend.

It’s okay if fear is there. Not only is it okay, it’s actually the best news ever! That means it’s important to you. The things in life that scare the shit out of us, that makes our hands tremble or our voices shake…those are exactly the things we must do! Not tomorrow, not next Monday, but now, the time is now.

Regardless of the outcome, wouldn’t a life of living your truth be better then a life of shoulda, woulda coulda’s?

What do we really want to do with our time? What do we want to share and create? Where do we want to go? What do we want to actually say?

No more stalling, no more waiting and no more projecting ourselves into future scenarios.

All those things we want, need and have to do, the time is now.

This is the sign! There is no more time to waste.


Relephant Read: 

The Key to Change is Right Here, in this Moment.


Author: Alexa Torontow

Editor: Catherine Monkman

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