April 18, 2015

Letting your Inner Child Shine: A New Moon Letter. {Poem}

milky way, new moon

At some point, we all have to take back the reins and provide for ourselves whatever we unknowingly or knowingly were never given as children.

For this New Moon in my women’s circle, we are writing letters to our Inner Children. Here is mine:

 Hi Darling Beautiful Karen,

It’s your Mother.

Jai Ma.

And you are ten years old.

I want you to know that you are beautiful and loved.
I will teach you how to handle these feelings …
Anxiety, sadness, anger, fear
How to let them gently wash upon the beach
Instead of being swept away with the tide.

You are capable of whatever you decide you wish to do
And when you fail
As you will fail, we all do …
You will always be welcome back here.

You are safe and loved.
You are unique and worthy.

Find the woman you are meant to be
And set her free.

Never accept less then the treatment you deserve.
You do not need to explain yourself again and again
Or justify your feelings or emotions.

I know that you are doing your best.
I see you.
I see you.
And I love you. Forever and ever.

I see your struggles. I see your pain.
I see how you recognize so much beauty in everything,
But also that you see so much of the flip side as well.

I give you the benefit of doubt. Always.

You are safe to shine.
I give you my permission to go farther, become smarter, do better
Than I have done.

Outshine Me.

There is no betrayal. There is no abandonment.
I am always with you.
Every breath you take.

You do not need to fit in.
Does a star need to fit into the night sky?

Just shine.
Just be.


Relephant Reads:

The Ways the Moon Pulls (& a New Moon Poem).

Author: Karen Moon

Editor: Renee Jahnke

Image: Emma Mitchell-Flickr

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