May 22, 2015

Love Me in Layers.


Love me in these layers, as I’m not the same person each day.

I am a multitude of emotions wrapped into one small package, so handle with care. Do these things for me and I will do the same for you. This is what makes the most beautiful of friendships, both platonic and romantic alike, worth going round unknown corners for. There’s a certain charm to mystery and guessing, not knowing what’s around a seemingly jagged wall. A simple reminder that I am human.

Sometimes I’m stubborn.

Listen to my sometimes non-sensical reasonings,

Take what I serve and dish it back,

Nod your head when I’m right,

And tell me when I’m wrong.

Sometimes I’m like a child.

Embrace my giggles,

Play with me and banter,

And listen to jumbled mixed up words.

Sometimes I’m vulnerable.

Ask me what’s on my mind and bear in mind this is a strength and not a weakness,

Kiss my head and wrap me in the warmth of your arms,

Wait patiently for my words as I am formatting a layout of which to let them out,

Remind me of my strength.

Sometimes I am abundantly happy.

Share in my gloating and boasting,

Stroke my cocky ego and I’ll stroke yours,

Smile and laugh with me.

Sometimes I’m lost and afraid.

Find me in darkest hours,

Hold my hand to help guide me,

Speak reassuringly kind but truthful words,

And never worry for I am a strong lioness that always finds her way.

Sometimes I’m lonely.

Kiss my head and melt my sorrow,

Place your hand on my chest over my sometimes broken heart,

Sit with me in silence for company is enough for a resilient heart.

Sometimes I am passionate.

Encourage my creativity and listen to my ideas,

Engage and intrigue in conversation,

Dance with me.

Sometimes I’m in love.

Kiss me slowly,

Hug me tightly,

Let our bodies work as verbs.

Sometimes I’m overwhelmed.

Understand that I’m not sociable,

Run with conversation and words as my mind and mouth are in different places,

Don’t be frightened by my silence and shyness, I’m just thinking.


The lowest form of life is one that cannot experience love. Love is the masterpiece of evolution… Love is the gunpowder, the gun, the shooter and the shot. All rolled into one…” ~ Brandon Boyd, So the Echo


Author: Nicole Crow

Editor: Alli Sarazen

Photo: Courtesy of Author


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