May 28, 2015

Riding the Waves. {Poem}

Travis Wise/Flickr

We all go through hardships and trying times in our lives.

We have two choices. We can sink or swim.

We can throw our hands up in the air or we can ride with the waves. Being divorced twice threw me against the waves so hard that I almost drowned many times.

I never thought I would get divorced a second time with more children and a broken home once again.

Yet life throws at us many waves that we need to ride. It’s a choice.

And I choose to ride.

Riding the waves

of despair
of loss
of heartache
of the forbidden kiss,
of the beast within,
of lust and love,
of lies and betrayal,
of intimacy,
of loneliness,
of a higher purpose,
of joy,
of contentment,
of stillness,
of naked sheets,
of breathless passion,
of vulnerability,
of letting go,
of a shaken past,
of a promising sunrise,
of embracing innocence,
of breaking rules,
Riding the waves. Beneath the sun. Way beyond the puddles of a new day.
Into a realm of acceptance.


Relephant Read:

 The Rules of Engagement: How Empaths can Learn to Let Go.


Author: Simi Rubinstein

Apprentice Editor: Keeley Milne/Editor: Emily Bartran 

Photos: Pixoto, Travis Wise/Flickr

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