May 28, 2015

When We Should Ignore Our Intuition.


I was talking with my friend and fellow coach the other day when I realized something about intuition.

We were talking about her chakra energy and how to shift it so she can feel more alive, powerful and free to be herself.

She and I are both intuitive, heart-centered women who are trying to help the world, but we hold ourselves back, big time!

Like many women, we put ourselves down or believe we’re not good enough.

“Who am I to coach people? I’m not perfect. Why would anyone listen to me?”

No one holds us back more than we do. In fact, our clients love us and can’t wait to tell their friends about us.

We’re also highly intuitive. You know that voice in your head that warns you when you’re about to do something that you shouldn’t—the one that gives you little hints about whether you should trust someone—that’s your intuition!

We all have it, but some of us listen to it more than others.

There’s another voice that tells you that you aren’t really good any anything, that you need to learn more before you can help people or that nobody really likes you.

Here’s the thing: those voices sound the same. The one that says “you’re not good enough” sounds an awful lot like the one that says “she’s not trustworthy.”

But they’re not the same!

Let me repeat. They are not the same voices! Your spot-on “intuition voice” and your “mean voice” are totally different.

They sound the same in your head, but they are not.

One is true and one is a liar. A big liar.

The truth is, you are fabulous. You are strong enough. You are smart enough. You’re a beautiful, capable, charming, wonderful person. And you’re changing the world. Not just coaches. I’m talking to you (and me)!

Every person we meet is touched by our energy and your heart, so it matters that we turn off that mean voice.

But how?

3 ways to turn off the mean voice:

1. Receive compliments. When someone tells you how awesome you are, try to say, “Yes, I am. Thank you.”

2. Write down 5 great things you did today. Repeat daily.

3. Acknowledge the voice. It might be challenging you to grow or to stand up for yourself. There might be a good reason for it. But then again, there might not. It might just be full of shit. Listen and differentiate. Is it true and trustworthy, like your intuition, or just plain mean?

Don’t listen to that mean voice. It’s not true and it’s not you. Your intuition is powerful and kind. Build it up by learning how to block that other voice.



Relephant Read:

How to Tell the Difference Between Fear & Intuition.




Author: Terra Milo

Volunteer Editor: Kim Haas / Editor: Renee Picard 

Photo:  Pixabay

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