June 5, 2015

The Real Reason Behind Caitlyn Jenner’s Bravery Award. {Bonus: Sneak Peak at new Documentary}

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“People changed lots of other personal things all the time. They dyed their hair and dieted themselves to near death. They took steroids to build muscles and got breast implants and nose jobs so they’d resemble their favorite movie stars. They changed names and majors and jobs and husbands and wives. They changed religions and political parties. They moved across the country or the world—even changed nationalities. Why was gender the one sacred thing we weren’t supposed to change? Who made that rule?” ~ Ellen Wittlinger, Parrotfish

So, for anyone that may have not turned a piece of technology on this week, here’s what’s been happening. Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Bruce Jenner, has pretty much broke the internet.

And it hasn’t been a great week.

For anyone who doesn’t think Caitlyn is brave, consider this: Have you ever read something on the Internet about yourself that hasn’t been great? A comment on Facebook, a reply to something you’ve said or maybe even something that doesn’t have your name next to it, but you know it’s about you? Or even, just read something that you resonate with that doesn’t feel comfortable. A part of your personality or lifestyle that someone has judged. I’m sure the majority of us know how that feels.

It’s not great.

In fact, it’s horrible.

Now imagine this multiplied by thousands, possibly even millions of people judging, criticising and crucifying who you are.

Sometimes people seem to think that celebrities have no emotions. That they can just continue regardless despite what’s being said about them. They can turn a blind eye, continue along, blissfully unaware of the furor surrounding them as they count the gold coins mounting on their table.

For the most part, celebrities are like everyone else in that there’s a part of them that cares deeply when it seems like the whole world is on their back.

I cannot even begin to imagine the state of mind of Caitlyn Jenner right now, despite the fact she has just gone through life-changing surgery. To stand up and face the world and say that she has struggled for most of her life trying to be someone who she is not, is quite simply heartbreaking. And for those that think this is a choice, I hate to use the word ignorant, but that is what it is. Before anyone can judge, they need to have a good understanding of what it is they are judging. From the majority of the comments I have read people have blindly become keyboard warriors taking out their narrow-minded opinions on one person just because she is the one standing up in the spotlight.

Caitlyn did not choose to receive the ESPY courage award. She has been acknowledged by the people who have a huge understanding of what she has faced and also what it is that she is going to be facing throughout her now closely watched future. This isn’t about whether or not so many others are or aren’t brave, there are millions of people every day doing immensely courageous things that the world will never even know about. This is recognising one person who through her bravery is currently facing the backlash of thousands, in a pretty horrific way.

Caitlyn knew this would happen, yet still she has chosen to break free from society’s expectations of her and be the person she should have been years before. And, in doing so, others will feel free to do the same. This isn’t a choice. Transgendered people do not choose to be male or female, it is a deeply profound feeling within them that does not go away and there are scientific theories and tests that have been carried out that prove it is far more than a choice.

The amount of hate I have seen over this last week has been incredible. Outpourings of abuse from people who very clearly have no idea what the transgender community go through. And what has been equally disheartening is seeing it coming from the trans community itself. However, I wish to add, from what I have read it has only been a very small percentage of the trans community that have spoken out against Caitlyn and the rest of the community have very quickly rose to Caitlyn’s defense to put matters right.

We are all entitled to our opinions; I get that and I respect it and understand it fully. Although, opinions that are based on very little information, facts and figures do far more harm to this world than they can ever do good.

At first I was elated that Caitlyn had been featured on the cover of Vanity Fair as I thought this is an amazing opportunity to give the trans community some of the much needed awareness that is required right now. Within hours, that positivity had turned to disbelief as I seen the outpouring of rage all flying in the direction of one person. Just because she is finally brave to embrace herself and be on the outside how she feels on the inside.

So many people ask why she needed to grace the covers of a magazine to do this. People do not understand and think it’s all about money and fame. Caitlyn is at the start of a very long journey, she intends to create change and she knows that she can bring the issues that transgender people face right to the front line. Why? Because fear of what’s different keeps this community currently hidden away as people are afraid of that which they do not understand. And more often than not, when people do not understand, they attack, whether verbally or physically.

Caitlyn knows that until the transgender community find their place in society, it’s going to take extremely courageous people to stand up, show the world who they are and somehow find acceptance. For all those who hate, I’m sorry to disappoint you but, it will eventually happen. Just like the world has previously been afraid and uneducated about so many other changes, eventually, things will settle down and it will just become normal. Change is happening, regardless of the hatred and anger.

Let’s all just give Caitlyn a chance; let’s listen, let’s create dialogue, talk with one another, open our minds and understand.

And for those that think this isn’t newsworthy, here are a few facts and figures to explain the issues the transgender community currently face.

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and the National Center for Transgender Equality carried out a comprehensive study of the discrimination that trans people face. In it, 6,450 participants, including a diverse set of people from 50 states, of different ages, races, ethnicities, trans identities and income levels, answered a 70 question survey.

The survey found that of the respondents:

  • 41% had attempted suicide.
  • 51% were harassed or bullied at school.
  • 61% had a low household income or were victims of physical assault.
  • 64% were victims of sexual assault.

Many of the participants reported that transgender bias-related events led to insurmountable challenges and devastating outcomes.

The HRC (Hate Related Crimes) Website reports:

“Though most people feel sympathetic toward hate crime victims, lesbians and gays are blamed for their attacks at higher rates. When a person survives a particularly severe hate crime, the incident may go on to impede their well-being, leading to higher attempts at suicide, drug or alcohol abuse and sexual risk-taking behaviors, including possible exposure to hIV/aIDs (cannon and Dirks-Linhorst 2006; Dunbar 2006; saewyc et al. 2006). These negative outcomes affect everyone in our society, underscoring our urgent need for education and sensitivity around sexual orientation- and gender identity- based hate crimes. Improving our legislative, prosecutorial, training and reporting efforts will send a strong message that our society will not tolerate such attacks and will unequivocally support their victims, no matter their sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression.”

Social media is a tremendous tool for creating change, for breaking down barriers and for highlighting topics that would previously not have taken centre stage. Featuring Caitlyn Jenner on the front cover of a world renowned magazine is one huge step towards greater awareness and one leap closer to creating an equal society where everyone can thrive.

 For more:

Transgender Law and Policy Institute website 


 Bonus—Documentary Preview:


Relephant read:

Introducing Caitlyn Jenner: “I Am Woman.”


Author: Alex Myles

Editor: Travis May

Photo: Video Still

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