August 17, 2015

4 Scientific Reasons Why we should Learn to Meditate. {Infographic}

Ian Burt

Meditation, as most people are coming to understand, is good for us.

It can help us feel more calm and relaxed, but according to scientific research, there are other benefits other than just feeling good:

1. Lower Blood Pressure

According to one study by the American Heart Association, certain forms of meditation “may be considered in clinical practice to lower blood pressure.”

Brook RD et al., Beyond Medications and Diet: Alternative Approaches to Lowering Blood Pressure. A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association. Hypertension, 61:00, 2013.


2. Increased Tolerance to Stressful Situations

People that meditate are more resistant to stressful situations. According to a study at York University, Canada, students that meditated showed an increase in stress tolerance as measured by the Jackson Personality Inventory.

Howard Shecter, “The TM Program in the Classroom: A Psychological Evaluation” (York University, North York, Ontario, Canada)


3. Increased Productivity

According to research published in the Academy of Management Journal, practicing meditation can increase our job satisfaction, performance on the job and job stability, as well as improve relations with our fellow employees and managers.

David R. Frew, “TM and Productivity” Academy of Management Journal 17, no 2 (USA: 1974): 362-368


4. Better Sleep

Research at the University of Alberta, Canada showed that people who suffered insomnia were able to fall asleep much more quickly if they meditated regularly, compared to those that didn’t meditate.

In the study, the time it takes to fall asleep dropped from over 75 minutes to just under 15 minutes in the group that meditated.

Donald E. Miskiman, “The Treatment of Insomnia by the TM technique” (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada).


Transcendental Meditation Brighton

Source: http://uk.tm.org/web/brighton



4 Meditation Myths Debunked: Teaching Ourselves to Sit & Stay.


Author: Mark Heath

Apprentice Editor: Amanda Volponi/Editor: Travis May

Photo: Ian Burt via Flickr


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