August 13, 2015

Respecting Wild Life means—Hands Off!

Flickr/Henning Leweke

A man was just mauled to death in Yellowstone National Park. This tragedy weighs heavy on my heart.

My heart breaks for the man and his family—but my heart also breaks for the bears.

The bear and its cubs will now most likely be killed because they displayed dangerous behavior.

Bears are wild animals—not some domesticated, tamed animal we can play with for our own amusement. We must respect the wild animals, and we show our respect by keeping a wide berth and giving them the space they deserve.

Timothy Treadwell, Michio Hoshino and Peter Beard all share a common thread—they all fell victim to wild animals. Treadwell—an activist, bear supporter and nature photographer—was mauled to death, alongside is girlfriend in the Alaska wilderness. His death was delivered from the same  animals he so desperately tried to be friends with. Michio was was killed in Siberia by a grizzly, and Peter Beard was trampled by an elephant, but he  was lucky enough to survive the encounter.

Wild animals are just that—wild.

They aren’t here to amuse, entertain or become our muses—they are simply meant to live on this earth in harmony with us. They are meant to be free—to be left alone and respected.

We as humans think we have the right to entertain ourselves with these majestic creatures—we seek to tame lions and use elephants as the centerpieces to our circuses. Then we display shock and outrage when these wild animals rebel and cause harm.

We aren’t meant to tame the wild out of them—elephants, tigers, bears and the like where never meant to be tamed. The These creatures were never meant to be handled by humans. They are meant to be free, wild and respected.

I will always be enthralled by the elephant, amazed by the lions and in awe of the polar bears—yet I will do my gazing from afar. I will respect these amazing animals and not intrude on their habits.

The wild, the woods, the mountains and the plains are their homes. Although we can marvel in their beauty and take part in the adventure—we must do so with the understanding that we are on their turf. We are in their world and must respect their power.

So, seek new adventures, climb the mountains and forge new paths in the woods—just do so with respect and understanding of the wildlife around you.

Know the areas your in, know the animals that call those woods home, and know how to keep yourself and them safe from harm.

Loving the wild—loving all the amazing wildlife that roams this earth—means knowing when to stay away and show respect their space and their home.


Relephant reads:

De-listed as an Endangered Species?

6 Ways to Minimize the Impacts of Camping. 


Author: Michele Genzardi

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina

Photo: Flickr/Amit PatelFlickr/Henning Leweke



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