August 3, 2015

We Shall Never Be. {Poem}

footprints in sand walk away

Today I’m making friends with the idea that we—you and I—may never be.

Once so deep-hearted Prince of mine:

You have disappeared into the ocean of time, into the waves of a neverending nothingness from which you arose.

From existential ecstacy to odious oblivion, we were rising so rebelliously, so romantically
so readily in laughter, libido and love, only to fall so awfully apart.

Only to watch Us vanish into less than as much as a single particle of dust.

The echo of your silence, the reverberation of your once so blissfully burning soul…all I can feel now is a wall of ignorance with bricks of carelessness and cold.

We shall never be. 

The flame will never be lit.

The rosebud of our passion shall infinitely stay imprisoned.

The petals and pages of all our stories will not unravel, unfurl or unfold.

We shall never be. 

Two flaming hearts of forever, burned back to ashes.

Our diamondic dream has been reversed into a charcoal desert of dry, death and cry.

I shall never be found, for we got lost in a throwback in time.

We shall never be, because you no longer look for me.

We shall only ever be…

A relation of non-existance

A withered vision

A love unalike, but untold and untrue.





Author: Cecilia Vinkel

Editor: Renée P.

Image: marcelometal at Flickr 

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