June 24, 2016

Mint-Chocolate Shake. {Vegan Recipe}

Jane coco mint shake

I have a sweet tooth, and as a vegan, I am always looking for ways to get additional protein.

So, what better way than with a mint-chocolatey treat?

Plus, it’s that time of year when we hear the bells of the ice cream truck in the distance, and savor the flavor of a creamy cold treat. Ice cream is nostalgic—it makes us feel like a kid again, and it is always hard to resist something sweet.

But we may not always want the added sugar that is in so many ice creams—particularly if you are parents of young children. We all know that the sugar after dinner leads to late nights with kids running off the excess sugar high.

It can be our little secret that it gets its green color not from artificial dyes, but spinach! When our children are wanting dessert, but pushing their vegetables aside during dinner, this treat is on double duty sneak in those leafy greens and satisfy their sweet tooth.

So, if you want the creaminess and a little added nutrition with all the fun of mint-chocolate chip, here’s a shake to try.



3 pitted dates
2 tbsp hot water
1 tbsp vanilla protein powder
1 handful of baby spinach
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 small hand full cacao nibs
4 mint leaves
8 oz. coconut milk

Soak dates in hot water for 30 to 45 minutes until they look as if they are falling apart. Drain water. Place in blender with agave nectar, vanilla extract and 2 oz coconut milk. Blend until smooth. Add spinach and mint leaves and rest of coconut milk. Blend until smooth. Add cacao nibs and blend until smooth.

For a smoother consistency, strain to remove excess spinach and mint leaf pulp. Add back to blender with cacao nibs and blend.

Chill for 4 hours.

Garnish glass with mint leaves.

It tastes great with chocolate graham crackers, or with raspberries or blackberries!


Author: Jane CoCo Cowles 

Image: Guarav Mishra/Flickr

Editors: Emily Bartran; Caitlin Oriel

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