July 26, 2016

A Message for my Women.


I want women around me who see me and who are comfortable being seen.

I want women around me who are comfortable with the word “no” and who can say it without batting their luscious eyelashes.

I want women around me who don’t stand behind others, but instead take center stage, knowing they are worth the applause.

I want women around me who don’t change when a man steps into the room. I want women around me who aren’t afraid of being authentically themselves or less desirable.

When we choose to keep people in our lives that expect greatness of themselves they will also expect it from us, and we will start to expect greatness of ourselves too.

But all too often we choose the safe route, keeping relationships with the people in our lives at surface-level, knowing if we delve deeper, we will then be changed.

Our egos don’t want to accept the fact that we aren’t always right and our way of living can always improve.

When we see those around us, pushing themselves to be different, better and more conscious than they were a year ago, we know that they are people we want in our life.

They say that your vibrations attract similar ones.

As I’ve grown deeper in love with myself, I’ve begun to have richer and more prosperous relationships with others.

I sat with a few of my best friends last week. We ate and laughed and drank cabernet.

I noticed at the end of the conversation, that we had not spoken poorly about another person throughout the entirety of our visit. Not a single one of us. Not one of us had made a comment that hurt the other or criticized any part of another’s journey. Not one of us noticed something in a stranger’s outfit or appearance and made a condescending comment.

Instead, our conversations were about how to be better. We reflected on why we have made the decisions we have made and what to do differently next time around. We talked about butterflies and migration habits and children and travels.

As I look back on my life I cant help but question why I spent so much time with acquaintances that fed negative energy to my soul.

I remember times I felt obligated to go to lunches and dinners and parties with people who were complete strangers to me, when I would have rather stayed in my pajamas and danced to Diana Ross with my four-legged friend.

Why do we feel obligated to have people in our lives that hinder our energy? Is it because we subconsciously believe that they reflect our own sense of self-worth?

And in our hearts we are just women.

When in our hearts the fact that we are women should shake every fear and insecurity aside. We are the lucky ones.

Women can be cruel. Jealousy, envy, hatred.

Oh I can remember comments said to me that cut deep to my soul from years prior. In essence, belittling my existence because I think differently or live in a way that others don’t.

And I took those words to heart and tried to be less of what I knew I was.

I still stumble and let people into my space that don’t deserve it.

But being around children and seeing how our actions affect them, I continue to be conscious about how I live my life.

Not how I “seemingly” live my life, but how I authentically live.

And that includes seeing my self for what I am. Just like I want my students to do when they look in the mirror.

I want women around me that love, and aren’t afraid to love themselves.

These women feed my lungs and my heartbeat, reminding me I am worthy.



Relephant Read: 

Women Empowering Women: The Ripple Effect.


Author: Emily Gordon

Image: Pixabay

Apprentice Editor: Tess Drudy; Editor: Caitlin Oriel 

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