August 12, 2016

The Wolf We Feed: An Elder’s Story & a Reflection of My Own.

Cynthia Heath: Howling Wolf

Two wolves fighting within us: one which is fearful and the other, which is compassionate and loving.

Which will win? The one we feed most.


Each day, I’m forced to reckon with my own duality of mind, heart and spirit. Upon awakening, depending on the day, I am faced with the past or the future—exhibiting my fears, rather than allowing more loving and compassionate thoughts to filter through.

Mantras help me, along with long walks or hikes, nearly every day. Being mindful that my mind has wandered helps me to restore balance, by focusing on a better train of thought. Having goals in mind that we can work towards each day, while practicing unconditional acts helps us condition our mind, body and spirit to resonate more powerfully, while the past (or future) fades into black.

So much external noise, distracts us, especially me, from the present moment—where all life is taking place, here and now. Remaining grateful through our trials and triumphs prepares us for nothing less, than right now once again. Deep breaths help me, from the belly upward, to open my chakras and align to my higher self.

From here, I can more easily remember who I truly am.

So, who are you, truly? Who are we, as humans? Innately flawed, yet divine miracles of being.




Feeding the Good Wolf: How I learned to Transform Fear into Healing.


Author: Thayne Ulschmid

Image: Howling Wolf; Flickr

Editor: Thayne Ulschmid



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