December 7, 2016

Life moves like a River. {Poetry}

Flickr/Vlad Busuioc

I wish I knew you in those sweet days of innocence—the days when nothing was truly nothing.

Friendships were forged by taking turns going down the slides, picking flowers and digging in the sand.

I wish I knew you before we knew we were different from one another—when our skin was invisible, when our hearts loved unconditionally, when laughter was easy and tears were easier.

I wish I knew you before you were stained with pain, abandonment, loneliness, heartbreak and sorrow.

I wish I knew you before life’s cruelty scarred you and made you feel less than who you really are.

If I did, I would tell you:

A moment in time is temporary—

Life moves like a river, sometimes there are rapids, and sometimes there is calm.

But it moves consistently, changing course with each obstacle,

Making its way through, no matter how difficult its path—

And always ending up on the other side of chaos in peace,

At least, for a moment.

So, if you are struggling in the river of life—

Look to the skies.

Pray, breathe—

And let the currents take you to calmer waters.

Just don’t give up—don’t ever give up!



Author: Debbie Guthery

Image: Flickr/Vlad Busuioc

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina

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