February 24, 2009

One week advertising special deal on elephantjournal.com, prepay special.


Anyone who comes in with an ad (any size, any price) in the next seven days, and prepays via check or credit card, will get one free month in our new Marketplace ($100/month).

Why? We’re only five or six ads from break-even, and have only 1.5 months to go through our six month paper to web transition. 

Prices and sizes etc are here.

Interested? Have questions? Email us.

Please fwd this link to anyone who might be interested and tell them we need the support, and are ready to support back.

 Instead of taking ads in media owned by The Man, or Facebook, or printing flyers…use your marketing dollars to support independent, mindful media. We’ll avidly support you in return, and make this a real, creative partnership—not merely an ad buy.

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