February 13, 2009

Conventional Lipstick? Don’t do it to yourself. Here’s some highly-kissable Alternatives. [Treehugger]

Once, I went on a few dates with a girl, she was great, and green-minded (even drove a hybrid), charming, smart (yes, but not smart enough to not go out with me)…problem was, she wore five layers of makeup, and lots of lipstick and perfume.

She didn’t need it. And while I’m sure that, with all that makeup, she’d look sharp from a distance—say, onstage—up close I couldn’t see her skin for her foundation. Worst of all, as an Eco Boy, I didn’t love the idea of kissing a bunch of chemicals. So, halfway between my toxic-dislike and her makeup kit, our relationship peetered out.

Don’t let this happen to you, boys and girls! Get your loved ones to wear eco makeup, it’s non-toxic, not related in any way to cancer, and supports cool green companies!

Excerpt, via Treehugger:

Lipstick or gloss is a cosmetic dream for minimalist green girls. Who needs a heavily makeup-caked face, when all it takes is swab of gloss to feel sexy and put together? Unfortunately, our most simple sidekick—the trusty lipstick—can be laden with chemical nasties and in some cases, lead.

Before you lube up your lips to pucker up this Valentine’s Day, safeguard yourself—and your kissable companion—by glossing on an eco-chic lipstick. These five lip-smacking sticks might not be perfectly green (mineral-based makeup has been show to be questionable and I haven’t pulled a Pablo, crunching carbon footprint numbers), but most come pretty close to being a bit more petroleumparaben and toxin-free than the conventional beauty aisle brands.

Burt’s Bees Lip Shimmer…

…for the rest, and all five alternatives, go to Treehugger’s great post.

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