February 24, 2009

Ideal Bite: your Dryer Ball is evil!


As an independent media fan, I’m not normally a loyal reader of Ideal Bite, which sold to Disney for $20 million last year…that said, this particular tip hits a useful, easy-to-fix green-your-life home run. For many more easy to implement tips, go to Ideal Bite and learn away!

dryer balls that fluff and soften your laundry – free of the toxic plastic PVC, and no disposable dryer sheets necessary. The cash + eco savings = something to croon about.

  • Striking a waste-free chord. You can reuse dryer balls over and over – most will last you several years. And attention vegetarians: most dryer sheets contain tallow,an animal byproduct.
  • More (bank)notes. Boxes of dryer sheets can cost $5-$10 for 50 washes; some of our options are even free.
  • Tuning out PVC. Your average dryer ball is made from PVC, which releases carcinogens during production.

Personally Speaking
We’ve found that the balls actually work better than sheets, but they can be loud – the noise drives Jen so batty she turns her music up to volumes typically reserved for warehouse raves.


The Benefits
Wanna Try?


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