March 4, 2009

New Era: Sustainable thriving alternatives to make money and have a healthy lifestyle: Is this the Job for you?: XELR8™

New Era: Sustainable thriving alternatives to make money and have a healthy lifestyle: Is this the Job for you?: XELR8™


If you listen to the radio, watch TV or you have friends…

… you will agree that these are tough times. People are loosing their jobs left and right; our President Barack Obama and everybody else in politics keep making their efforts (positive and negative) to mold the American mind about how to deal with the though times ahead; Successful companies are implementing a “hire freeze” policy to protect their current employees, and those mature people who chose to invest in their retirement plans and paid a lot of money already towards it are sweating everyday with the market’s collapse and the uncertainty of the future during their eldest years. The American values for abundance are shaping to make it through a new era, and community support is becoming necessary in order, if not to survive, to overcome the fear of becoming one more count in the homeless reality that most of us have preferred to ignore when we pass by it.


Imagine my surprise when, reading trough EMPOWER Magazine, I find Paul Zane Pizer (A world renowned economist, multimillionaire entrepreneur, college professor and author of eight best-selling books, regarded as a leading predictor of economic catalysts and trends who has served as an economic advisor to two U.S. Presidents and who earn his first million before age 26 and his first $10 million before age 30) saying that in 1991, there were 3.6 million households with a net worth of $1 million or more and by 2001, the number of U.S. millionaires has doubled to 7.2 million households!




Then He continues: “After the stock market crash of 2001, many felt they’d missed their chance to be a part of the millionaire boom. But in the four years following 9/11, the number of millionaire households increased to over 10 million. And over the next decade, we’ll add another 10 million millionaires to that figure”.




Definitely he got my attention. So I kept reading. I found out that hundreds of professional athletes and some of the top medical institutions in the world put their trust in ZELR8™. I discovered that wellness is a $500 billion industry. Well known athletes like Tom Brady, Brian Griese, Marty Turco, Blake Sloan and Travis Conlan are customers of XELR8™ because they believe in helping others achieve their best.


Who is XELR8™ ?


XELR8™ is a Network Marketing company that advertises itself with the slogan: “THE POWER TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE”. 


 XELR8™ spells their name this way for important reasons-each letter not only defines something unique about this young company, it tells the story of who they are. It goes like this:


X-Factor – More than 350 professional and Olympic athletes, plus some of the top medical institutions in the world use XELR8’s product.


Exclusive Product – Bazi means “eight characters” in Chinese and it contains eight “superfruits”, including jujube, mangosteen, acai, goji, pomegranate, blueberry, raspberry, and seabuckthorn.


Leverage- Tap into the power of a publicly traded company that is just picking up speed. A business that allows you to duplicate yourself and build residual income.


Right Tools- World-class marketing web sites to nationwide meetings.


8 People- There are at least eight people in your upline dedicated to your success.


To put it simple, XELR8™ distributes BAZI, a super healthy nutritious jujube juice with 8 essential fruits for a healthy body and mind, and everybody into living longer and stronger is talking about it. Yoga Instructor Marissa Yanick recommends it to her students, friends and everybody else; A professional yogini who we have seen within Elephant pages endorsing yoga products before, endorses BAZI and invites us to get higher on life. I tried it and I can tell you right now, it got rid of my nasty hangover in minutes.


John Fleming, Publisher and editor in Chief of Direct Selling News, with nearly 40 years of experience in the direct selling/network marketing industry and who own his direct selling company and worked for more than 15 years at Avon Products most recently as Vice President U.S. Sales Strategies and Training, when endorsing BAZI tells us: “More than 61 million men and women are part of this global industry. In the United States, 15 million individuals are building their own home-based business through network marketing. The retail sales connected to this industry are staggering -$111 billion globally, with more than $31 billion of those sales occurring in the United Sates. Clearly, network marketing makes a significant impact on the world’s economy”.


As an Elephant, I love supporting people and hope that all those successful BAZI diamonds, who I’ve been writing about for the last hour, support Elephant back by getting their add in our magazine, honoring their ideals of community support.

But my true intention with this article is to remind you, the reader, that when one door closes another opens. These are tough times for America, but it is you and only you who rules your world. If you are looking for an alternative to make money and have a healthy lifestyle, checking out BAZI might be the right move. Is this the job for you? If you suspect it might be, any Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:00, you can get started. Just call Marissa Yanick at (303) 579 7787 or check out her website at www.bodymindbazi.com


Love you all…got to run, luckily I have to go to work.





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