August 8, 2009

Julie & Julia: Trailer. Michael Pollan: answer to problems with food, health & environment: cook.

Julie & Julia, about Julia Child? I’m going this weekend, with my friend Peggy Markel—and I rarely go to movies.

I do like to eat, but (as an uncivilized bachelor) I don’t know how to cook or much care about cooking…that is, until Michael Pollan, at the end of our interview a few months back, said the key to saving the food situation was “to cook. You can’t eat horrible food, generally, if you’re cooking it it’s less processed, it’s real food.” Last Sunday, Michael’s latest my-life-changing article on the Sunday NY Times, re how Top Chef & the like are emblematic of a culture that cooks less and less…focused on that same simple sentence over a couple 1,000 words. If you missed it, read it here.

So, I’m going to learn to cook a bit. For reals.

For the Julie & Julia Trailer, click here. Or here (skip to 33 seconds):

Bonus—Hosea Rosenberg:

Walk the Talk Show: ‘Top Chef’ Hosea Rosenberg from Alex King & Mito Media.

My interview with Michael Pollan, sponsored by Gaiam and hosted by Fresh Ideas Group, Sterling Rice and Naturally Boulder:

Walk the Talkshow: Michael Pollan from Alex King & Mito Media on Vimeo.

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