September 17, 2009

QotD: Taiwan loves LOHAS, Thanks to Obama (and Bush?), White House goes Green (LEED!).

Wish our President talked this way.

“I look forward to see Taiwan become a country where every citizen exercises regularly and leads a lifestyle of health and sustainability (LOHAS),” [the Taiwanese President] added.

Wait, I forgot, the Obamas put (back) in a White House Victory Garden and now a Farmers’ Market, and are working on getting the White House LEED certified. Not half bad.

Via Inhabitat:

“…Both Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton made upgrades to the White House and cut energy use, and George W. Bush installed a small photovoltaic system and two solar water-heating systems.”

Come again? Bush put in solar? Not as much as Carter, which Reagan took back out, I’m sure…still, whodathunk?

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