December 1, 2009

Lost iPhone.

It’s $500 big green buckos for a replacement, ’cause you have to buy at retail price. That’s $500 I don’t have. If we get 100 friends to give $6 each, that’ll cover the $500 plus the paypal charge plus the taxes and bullshiite.

I don’t expect folks to help, of course, but I’m in a situation, which if I fully described would sound pitiful, like I was playing a little poor-me violin.

So here’s an experiment: can we crowdfund a friend out of a situation? When a friend in our community gets a bike stolen, or a phone lost, and they don’t have any dough in their bank account, but they work hard and are good peeps doing worthwhile stuff for our community, can we crowdfund ’em out of said situation? I’m willing to offer a helping hand to my friends in need. If you feel inspired, please do same for me. I’ll be happy and honored to do same for you if and when our situations are reversed.

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