September 21, 2010

President Bill Clinton on parenting, with David Letterman.

“We worked at it. We always tried to make her feel special and that she was loved, but not special because of who her parents were. And I think she lives that way. And, you know, I don’t think there’s—it’s not really mysterious. Kids keep score, they pay attention, and you need to be there for them. And they know if you have to work, they get that, but I think that—you know, there was a study about, oh, 15, 20 years ago about people who made it against all the odds. Every one of them had a caring adult in their lives who made them feel like they were the most important person in the world to them. I don’t think this is really rocket science.” ~ Bill Clinton

A sweet conversation that offers a personal view into one of the great, and complex personalities and families of our time:

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