April 25, 2011

Gawker’s 6 Symtoms of Netflix Streaming Syndrome. Plus, funny catz.

“Do You Suffer from Netflix Streaming Syndrome?”

Oooohhooohhhh when this latest technological quantum-leap was foisted upon my unsuspecting, weak-kneed will, I fell prey and watched all of this and all of that and six episodes in a row of this and five minutes of that and stayed up until 4 am night after night half watching this while working on that…yes…it destroyed my life. In a fun way.

And so it was with relief that I read, today, that millions of others were struggling too.

Now, six months later, I’m over it. Like all great setting-sun joys, it gets boring soon enough and you want to watch quality stuff that you actually want to watch. Thankfully, because it’s nice to have my life back.

Still, this article sent me into a minor fit of cathartic lulz. Here’s the tip of the Gawker iceberg…for the full bit click on over.

Six symptoms Netflix streaming is mindf**king your…well, your mind:

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