May 5, 2011

Beyonce dances against Childhood Obesity. Videos:

Obesity has fast become a real problem in America.

It shortens lives, and ruins them along the way. It’s particularly dangerous for our children—who while susceptible to bad advertising of sugarfat (you know, soda) and Happy Meals, are also young and impressionable enough to be influenced for the better by such celebs as…Beyonce, who has a newish song that’s all about moving, and having fun doing so.

Check out particularly the second one down.

Move your body!

Live, surprise, see 1:43:

WAT-AAH! Joins Forces With NAB Education Foundation and Beyonce as the Exclusive Beverage Partner of the ‘Let’s Move! Flash Workout’ Event Dedicated to Fight Childhood Obesity!

Beyonce made a surprise appearance at PS 161 Pedro Albizu Campos middle school in Harlem TODAY to lead the middle school students in her dance routine video “Move Your Body”! WAT-AAH! was there keeping the Beyonce and the students hydrated!


Full choreography:


Our First Lady:

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