On Saturday night, as U.S. Navy SEALs prepared to helicopter into Pakistan and attempt to kill the world’s most wanted terrorist, the man who had ordered them there had other duties: he was playing comedian.
Barack Obama was attending the annual White House Correspondents Dinner, where he gave a high-profile roast of Donald Trump. At Talking Points Memo, Josh Marshall made a great point: now that we know today what Obama knew then, we can guess at what might have been on his mind as he strongly suggested that Trump wasn’t ready for the burdens of the presidency:
So would I.
But Obama didn’t just have to joke around about the decisions that weighed on him right after making possibly the biggest of his life.
He also sat through a joke about where bin Laden could be—at the very moment he knew what might be happening soon somewhere in Pakistan. Here’s his face at that instant:
And here’s the video, of Seth Myers of Saturday Night Live (who absolutely killed—and nailed Trump), the comedian who performed at this year’s dinner on Saturday, followed by Obama’s reaction:
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