July 13, 2011

Holy Sh#t! Joe Barton is Crazy! (cartoon)

The scariest quote was the one I left off where he called the American people smart because, “after all, they keep re-electing me”. I left it out because this cartoon is meant to illustrate how bat-shit crazy Joe Barton is, not how unimaginably daft his constituents are.

Although, as a commenter on the Huffington Post said in reference to a 2010 HuffPo article about Crazy Joe defending BP after the oil spill: “Hey man, it’s Texas. Home of numerous oil billionair­es, corporate corruption­, presidenti­al assasinati­ons, and the Bushies.”
Good point.

More on Crazy Joe Barton

From Shit the Tea Party Says: Joe Barton quotes (they missed a lot of winners)
From Grist: In dimwitted move, GOP set to repeal lightbulb standard that saves billions
From PolitiFact: Rep. Joe Barton says a four-pack of incandescent bulbs cost $1.99 while one CFL bulb costs $9.99

Joe’s cartoon archive, twitter ramblings and StumbleUpon page

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