November 27, 2011

Review: Boulder Ballet presents: The Nutcracker.

I just dressed up and biked over to Macky Auditorium at the University of Colorado, where I attended Boulder Ballet’s The Nutcracker. The Nutcracker, for me—for just about all of us—is an annual ritual of “enlightened society”—young and old, families and young couples on dates gather to celebrate the holiday season.

The Boulder Ballet’s Nutcracker isn’t a big city ballet—it isn’t New York or St. Petersburg…dare I say, it’s better. It’s a community ballet. The costumers, the humor, the amazing tricks and stunts and sets—all feel real, that they are a product of our town. There’s pride and joy in the performance, and in the watching of the performance.

For someone like me, a bachelor, it’s a delight to see our elder citizens in the crowd, and the children and families—normally I only see folks around my age in my workaday life. Young and old dress up and laugh and clap and…well it’s the quickest couple hours of your life…though you’re only able to be sad for a moment when it’s over, since the ending is so joyous and everyone wants to go out to eat or for a walk to talk about it, afterwards.

So all this is to say: go. It makes the best date ever, if you’re single or already in love. If you’re a family, your children (even the boys) will love it. It’s fun. It’s an old tradition that still feels new: celebrating art and dance, the fruits of our society.

Click here for info and tickets: support Boulder!

The Nutcracker Ballet at Macky Auditorium

This Thanksgiving weekend (Nov. 25-27, 2011), America’s favorite ballet is brought to life by the Boulder Ballet and the Boulder Philharmonic. The grandness of Macky is matched by the scale of this production featuring a cast of 80 dancers, live orchestra, full scenery, beautiful costumes and special effects. Performance running time is approx. 2 hours.

Classical choreography is infused with theatrical magic, circus arts and a rare sense of humor. The company dancers are joined by students of the Boulder Ballet School and members of the Boulder Children’s Chorale, who provide a delightful attraction for young audience members.

You won’t want to miss the adorable mice, toy soldiers, dreamy snow scene and wondrous trip to the Land of Sweets for Clara and her Nutcracker Prince.

Friday, November 25–4 PM – Advance sales closed
Saturday, November 26–2 PM – Advance sales closed
Saturday, November 26–7 PM Tickets available
Sunday, November 27–2 PM Tickets available

Order by phone at 303.449.1343 x2 (open Saturday & Sunday this holiday weekend). The Macky box office opens for walk-up sales one hour before each performance.

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