Below, please find John Friend’s first response to the recent accusations, a letter to his Anusara community. It is shared with prior permission.
His responses to my questions will be shared today, and represent the first public response, and hopefully go into some depth, allowing all who care about John, the others concerned, and the integrity of Anusara yoga to experience full transparency, which is of course vital to any healing or moving-on process.
To read the legal document below, click here. It was shared on this site two days ago, via Dave Kennedy, who works with John. I’ve since updated that blog with new information from “the other side,” but am only sharing general info as the source has thus far declined my invitation to come forward or corroborate their documents with other anonymous sources.
This is not fun for anyone. I’ll be happy when this is over, as I’m sure many of us will be. But for the health and healing of the greater mindful community, and certainly Anusara yoga in particular, we do require transparency, and a respectful, non-anonymous dialogue first.
In the meantime, all we can do is keep on practicing on. ~ ed.
John Friend: Response to Allegations, a letter to the Anusara community.

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