September 27, 2012

Yoga Journal asked us to invite a bunch of bloggers up…you don’t want to come, do you?

From last year: a bunch of silly yogi monkeys, and Richard Freeman.

Some coverage of past years.

Want to attend, and cover, Yoga Journal Conference: Estes Park for free, on behalf of elephantjournal.com?

Let me know asap. I’m paying hotel, if need be. I’m carless, have been for years, so if you’re a local I’d appreciate a ride. Requirements: you’ll cover the heck out of whatever classes, etc, you do. I won’t have to check on your doing so. You have, ideally, written for us before.

Yoga Journal Conference Estes Park is the best, the biggest, the most teachers. I love it, and have attended as press (free) for most of the past 10 years. Join me!

Let us know by 1) sharing one favorite elephantjournal.com post to your Facebook Wall and, 2) emailing us that you’ve done so at write at elephantjournal dot com.

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