November 10, 2012

Ocean Wave. ~ Salvatore Vionito

Oh Great Spirit

Guide the tides of this foolish man’s heart.

Just as the waves break against the shore

 rush up onto the beach

And escape the ocean’s majestic flow

I also become absent minded

and find myself flowing away from you at times.

Always keep me aware and remind me,

Pull me back into the undertow

Of your abundance and Grace.

Steady my awareness and remind me

That we are never apart from each other

And always connected,

Even at my farthest point of escape.

Make my mind just as the ocean waves.

As they rush up onto the beach

remind me that you are always there with me

and that I will always recede back into you.

Salvatore Vionito is always evolving on a never ending spiritual journey, a student to the Guru within, he spends his time writing poetry inspired by the universal teachings of the Divine. Salvatore constantly seeks out the microcosmic truths that exist within every living moment in order to always see the creator within the creation. Writing is one of the ways that helps him accomplish this goal. When Salvatore isn’t writing he loves to go on hikes, meditate, practices Bhakti Yoga, spends time with his wife, three daughters and cat. He is also the co-owner of Avani Priya Malas and Jewelry avanipriyamalas.com, a custom Mala shop that he and his wife Jenni created.


Editor: Sara McKeown

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