December 29, 2012

Living to the Beat of My Heart. ~ Jen McKelvie


photo : jen mckelvie

A Poem About Priorities

I’ve known forever that my place is not sitting.

Nor in monotony or routine.

Not in the expected steps of school, career, relationship, family.

My place is not linear or clear. Not in stress, not in overreaction, not in seriousness.

I have lived, mostly happily in between society’s norm and my own. I have moved when I grew tired of a place. Have loved when I wanted to love, and not when I did not.

I have delved deep into interests and skimmed over others. I have grown and stretched and reached. I have been honest, true, genuine.

And I have been the opposite.

I have traveled alone and with my soul mates; I have climbed mountains and forged rivers, galloped and jumped and rode bareback with abandon. I have hurt and been hurt. I have felt my heart break, felt it drain of blood.

I have spent hours,


weeks where I could not smile.

And I have lived the opposite. I have sung and sped and sobbed and screamed.

And I have done all of this with the intention to forge a life that fits my heart.


Jen McKelvie lives and works on the island of Manhattan, the first place she has ever been happy to return to after time away. Her soul flies highest when she is wandering the streets laughing too loudly with best friends. She loves yoga, her dog and green juice.

You can connect with Jen @jenny_jump_up or here: jmckelvie.com.



Ed: Brianna B.

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