January 23, 2013

Beating the Moment. ~ Edith Lazenby

To Be, Or Not


It’s freezing outside.

But there’s an iceberg

In my belly.

I think “butterfly,” yet

Edges fine as razors


Carve the moment.


I dream sunshine

And count snowflakes.

I see the moon

But am draped in shadows.

I want to cry.

I want to surrender.

I want to throw in the towel.

But this is no game.

There’s nothing to end.

A beginning sits

On the threshold

And it whispers in

A language I don’t know.

Love courts itself.


I want to be happy


For no reason.


I want to be happy


For any reason.

I want to take this desire

And let it sail

On the currents of wind.

I want movement.

Instead I sit on a cushion

With one hand on my heart

And learn to listen

To what it cannot say,

Knowing it needs me

To understand feeling

Does not always know

What I hear in my palm

Beats the moment

And frees me to not be.


I am someone who loves to share and thrives on being with others. My craft whittles moments into meaning and eases my heart. I learn best by listening. I teach yoga and I write. Life is challenging but simple. My kitties make me happy. My husband is my best friend. Check my blog here.


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Ed: Brianna Bemel

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