January 23, 2013

YogaWrap for Better Posture. ~ Madison Canary


Spinal Support by YogaWrap is an interesting product.

Designed to support the bottom of the rib cage to the top of the pelvic crest, you position this piece of foam over the back of any chair you are sitting in. The YogaWrap helps encourage proper posture and supports your lower spine. Most of us don’t have healthy posture; bad habits develop after years of sitting in school desks, work desks and cars. Most commonly we sit with our shoulders hunched over or our chin sticking out, throwing off the natural ‘S’ curve of the spine which creates back pain and other problems. Better posture is said to relieve all kinds of things from sciatica pain to depression.

I think this product is a great attempt to help fix this common problem. When positioned between my shoulder blades and along my lower spine, it helped my shoulders stay back against the chair. As one who is often guilty of hunching over her computer, I found the most effective thing it did for me was remind me to sit with my back against it, straightening my back and keeping my shoulders down. I previously sat with a small pillow under my lower back and I found the effect much the same. Though the YogaWrap definitely supported more of my spine and was more comfortable.

The portability of the product is a definite plus, allowing for use by people who travel and sit at their desk often. I used it at home and in my car. I found it to be distracting while I drove because I was so preoccupied with my posture but it definitely had a positive effect.

I would say that the YogaWrap is worth the investment if you spend the majority of your time seated and experience back and neck pain or would like to improve your posture. You can find Spinal Support at Yoga Wrap.

{Note: elephantjournal.com received this item for free, in return for a guarantee that we would review said offering. That said, we say what we want—good and bad, happy and sad.}



Madison Canary has a hard time sitting still. Years as a professional ballerina brought her to Yoga which inspired her to start Yoga N Motion, a company focusing on injury rehabilitation and performance optimization for professional athletes and performers. Movement mentor, dancer, yogini, performer, healer, instructor, writer, lover, ASL interpreter, mover, shaker, surfer. She soon hopes to add runner to this list and hopes you will find her on Facebook so you can be friends.


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Ed: Kate Bartolotta


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